118th Congress - Nominations
The Senate Commerce Committee has a practice of publicly posting the non-confidential portions of questionnaires of nominees referred to the Committee and responses to post-confirmation hearing questions for the record. These public postings do not include some confidential personal financial details that are reviewed by the Committee. This matrix includes and organizes positions by department and agency, discloses completed questionnaires, and indicates whether steps in the confirmation process have been completed.
The nomination status category explained:
Confirmed – the listed official has been confirmed by the Senate.
Submitted – the president has named a nominee who is under consideration for the position.
Reappointment – an official who has been renominated for another term.
Vacant – the position does not have a confirmed official and the president has not submitted a nomination under consideration.
Term Expired – an official’s term has expired but is allowed to remain in office for a period of time or until replaced. Individuals nominated to independent commissions and boards under the Committee’s jurisdiction serve for terms that may expire during or transcend through presidential administrations.
NOTE: The nominations matrix is updated as the Committee receives and processes documents.