The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)

Oceans, Fisheries, and Coast Guard Subcommittee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, at 9:30 a.m. in room 428 of the Russell Senate Office Building. The Members will hear testimony regarding a broad range of views on the current state of marine mammals and the issues surrounding reauthorization of the MMPA. Senator Snowe will preside. Following is a tentative witness list (not necessarily in order of appearance):


  • Mr. David Cottingham

  • Dr. Rebecca Lent

  • Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore

    Download Testimony (126.94 KB)
  • Mr. Marshall P. Jones, Jr.

Witness Panel 2

  • Ms. Nina Young

  • Dr. Peter Tyack

  • Rear Admiral Richard D. West, USN (Ret.)

  • Mr. Charles Johnson