Commerce Committee Approves Resolution Honoring Staffer Susan MacDonald

March 16, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today approved by voice vote a resolution honoring Susan H. MacDonald for her more than 30 years of service as the Committee’s hearing clerk. Ms. MacDonald will retire effective April 30, 2006.

The resolution, which was co-sponsored by all 22 Members of the Committee, recognized Ms. MacDonald for her “great dedication, professionalism, and integrity” in carrying out her many duties and responsibilities.

Calling her a “role model for all who are engaged in public service” and “a Senate institution in the minds and hearts” of Committee Members, the resolution also lauded Ms. MacDonald for her “charm, patience, wisdom, and wit” in serving the Committee.

Click here for a copy of the resolution