NASA Budget and Programs: Outside Perspectives

The Senate Commerce Committee's Subscommittee on Science and Space will hold a hearing on NASA Budget and Programs: Outside Perspectives on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. in the Dirksen Building room 562.

Witnesses will be announced when available.

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  • Dr. Roy B. Torbert

    University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center
    Download Testimony (125.30 KB)
  • Dr. Peter Voorhees

    Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
    Northwestern University
  • Dr. Jim Pawelczyk

    Associate Professor of Physiology and Kinesiology
    The Pennslyvania State University
  • Major General Charles Bolden, Jr. USMC (Ret.)

    Chief Executive Officer
    Jack and Panther, LLC