Rail Safety Reauthorization

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has the primary responsibility for regulating the safety of railroads in the United States. The FRA’s last authorization was enacted in 1994 and expired in 1998, and the agency has since been operating without an authorization of its programs. Several attempts have been made during the past several years to reauthorize the FRA’s safety program. The hearing will examine the continued effort to reauthorize the FRA's rail safety program.

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Opening Remarks

  • The Honorable Charles E. Schumer

    United States Senator
    New York
  • The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton

    United States Senator
    New York


  • Ms. Jo Strang

    Associate Administrator for Safety
    Federal Railroad Administration
  • The Honorable Kurt Hyde

    Assistant Inspector General
    Office of Surface and Maritime Programs, U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General
    Download Testimony (222.20 KB)
  • The Honorable Robert Sumwalt

    Vice Chairman
    National Transportation Safety Board
  • Ms. Katherine Siggerud

    Director, Physical Infrastructure Team
    Government Accountability Office

Witness Panel 2

  • Mr. Edward Hamberger

    President and CEO
    Association of American Railroads
  • Mr. Edward Wytkind

    Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO
  • Mr. Richard F. Timmons

    American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association