The Imbalance in U.S.-Korea Automobile Trade

The hearing will examine the reasons for the imbalance in U.S.-Korea bilateral automobile trade; its impact on the United States’ automakers, autoworkers, and economy; and proposals to address the imbalance. Senator Dorgan will preside.

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  • Mr. Robert B. Cassidy

    Director of International Trade and Services
    Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
  • Mr. John T. Bozzella

    Vice President, External Affairs and Public Policy
    Chrysler LLC
    Download Testimony (142.81 KB)
  • Mr. Ron Gettelfinger

    United Autoworkers
  • Dr. Charles McMillion

    President and Chief Economist
    MBG Information Services
    Download Testimony (301.99 KB)
  • Mr. Myron Brilliant

    President of the U.S.-Korea Business Council, Vice President of the Asia Division
    U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    Download Testimony (215.26 KB)