Sen. Hutchison's Statement on Nomination of Former Governor Gary Locke as Commerce Secretary

Hutchison Calls for a Transparent and Non-Politicized Census Process

February 25, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today released the following statement on the nomination of former Washington State Governor Gary Locke to be Secretary for the United States Department of Commerce.

“I congratulate Governor Locke on his nomination as Commerce Secretary,” said Senator Hutchison.  “I hope he will be proactive in helping businesses’ marketing efforts abroad and be an advocate from within the administration for responsible tax and regulatory policies.  He will face many challenging issues at the Department of Commerce, including the upcoming census and digital television transition.  I look forward to discussing these issues with him, and hearing his views on how to ensure, among other things, the successful completion of a transparent and non-politicized census.”


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