Senator Hutchison’s Statement on President’s Intent to Nominate Charles Bolden to Head NASA

May 23, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today released the following statement on the President’s intent to nominate Charles Bolden to be the next NASA Administrator.

“I am delighted that the President intends to nominate retired Marine General and astronaut Charles Bolden to be the next NASA Administrator.  He brings the enthusiasm for science and exploration that NASA needs at this crucial time in its history. 

“I talked to General Bolden today following the announcement of his intended nomination.  We discussed the importance of finishing the space station so the scientific research can be fully supported.  He and I agree that space exploration is essential for America's future security and we look forward to working together to continue America's preeminence in space.

“I believe the Commerce Committee will move expeditiously to consider this nomination, and that of the nominee for Deputy NASA Administrator, Lori Garver upon receiving their paperwork.  I look forward to working with them as we move ahead to preserve America's leadership in space.”

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