Hutchison: President’s Restated Vision for NASA Still Leaves America Grounded

Without Shuttle and Betting on Uncertain Commercial Sector Leaves U.S. Reliant on Russia to Reach Space and Poor Long-Term Options

April 15, 2010

Hutchison PortraitWASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today expressed strong concerns with President Obama’s proposed vision for NASA.

“The President’s evolving vision for NASA continues to leave America grounded,” said Senator Hutchison.  “Even the President’s second try at stating a vision fails to address the hard reality that without the space shuttle and years from a commercial developed vehicle, our human space flight options are limited to other nations such as Russia and China.  That is deeply troubling for a nation with our space heritage. There are alternatives and a bipartisan group of members of Congress ready to work with the President to preserve our place in space, but his current proposals remain well short of a space policy worthy of a great nation.”

Senator Hutchison introduced legislation, the Human Space Flight Capability Assurance and Enhancement Act (S. 3068), last month to address these concerns by allowing for the extension of the shuttle, if needed for station sustainability, at a reduced rate of two flights per year. The bill also authorizes the accelerated development of a NASA-owned shuttle replacement, such as a shuttle-derived design using existing systems and capabilities and the current contractor work force.

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RELEASE: Hutchison Introduces Bill to Close Gap in U.S. Spaceflight

OP-ED: Bipartisan approach to NASA in Congress in Orlando Sentinel

VIDEO: Kay Bailey Hutchison Discusses President's NASA Proposal on MSNBC

VIDEO: Kay Bailey Hutchison on President's NASA Vision on U.S. Senate Floor

EDITORIAL: ‘Losing it in Space’ by The Washington Times