Executive Session Summary

Key Consumer and Environmental Protection Legislation Reported Out of Commerce Committee

June 9, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held an executive session and favorably reported out the following legislation and nominations:

Legislation Reported Out Favorably:

S. 3386, Restore Online Shoppers’ Confidence Act—A bill to end deceptive online sales tactics, like those that enroll online shoppers in services without their consent. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 1938, Distracted Driving Prevention Act of 2009—A bill to keep distracted drivers off the road by providing grants to states that enact laws to prohibit texting and hand-held cell phone use while driving. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 3302, Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 2010—A bill to improve vehicle safety standards to better protect drivers and bolster the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) resources, authority and expertise. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 3084, Export Promotion Act of 2010—A bill to help businesses by increasing export promotion and outreach efforts through the Commerce Department. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 2847, Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act—A bill to limit how loud television advertisements can be. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 817, the Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act—A bill to establish a Salmon Stronghold Partnership program to preserve and protect wild Pacific salmon. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

S. 1748, the Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act—A bill to carry out a Recovery and Research Program for southern sea otter populations along the coast of California. Additional information on the bill can be found here.

Nominations Reported Out Favorably:

Nomination of Mr. Carl Wieman, to be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (PN 1571)

Nominations for Promotion in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps (PN 1622 and PN 1732)

Nominations for Promotion in the U.S. Coast Guard (PN 1232 and PN 1771)
