Commerce Committee Passes Important Communications Accessibility Legislation for People with Disabilities

July 15, 2010

Feature Image 5WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, made the following statement after committee members favorably reported out the Equal Access to 21st Century Communications Act (S. 3304) during today’s executive session.

“We must make sure that the programs and policies we have in place to support Americans with disabilities keep up with the rapidly increasing speed of changing technology. This bill will help lead to greater communications accessibility for Americans with disabilities, and that is a very good thing. I am enormously pleased the Committee has sent this critical legislation to the full Senate,” Chairman Rockefeller said. 

“I have worked my entire career to bring the power and the promise of new communications technology to every corner of my state. I have seen the opportunity it creates for our communities, for changing education, improving healthcare, and strengthening local businesses. We have a responsibility to make sure that kind of opportunity is available to everyone. Period.”
