Committee Approves Hutchison Legislation to Improve Oil Spill Response and Mitigation

July 22, 2010

Hutchison PortraitWASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee today approved legislation sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Committee, to improve oil spill response capabilities by enhancing the United States Coast Guard’s ability to prepare for and respond to offshore oil spills along coastal waterways.

“The Coast Guard is the nation’s first responder for oil spills in the marine environment. One of the lessons we have learned in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill is that the Coast Guard needs additional tools and assets to effectively respond to oil spills and hazardous substance releases,” said Senator Hutchison.  “This bill would establish a Coast Guard National Strike Force with the ability to respond to a spill anywhere in the continental United States within 24 hours.  The legislation would also establish a center of expertise to train first responders on the latest techniques and strategies to combat oil spills and the release of other hazardous materials.”

The Oil Spill Response and Mitigation Act of 2010 (S.3614) would specifically:


  • Create a Maritime Center of Expertise for Oil Spill Response. This Center would train Coast Guard personnel, as well as other federal, state and local first responders, on the latest techniques and strategies to respond to oil spills;
  • Require the Coast Guard to maintain a National Strike Force and Strike Force Teams with the ability to mobilize and respond to oil spills and hazardous substance releases anywhere in the continental United States within 24 hours;
  • Require oversight and certification of oil spill response organizations to ensure they have the ability to respond to oil spills and require that these organizations provide an inventory of available oil spill response equipment to the Coast Guard.  This would help ensure the rapid deployment of oil spill response assets in the event of an oil spill;
  • Require the Coast Guard to maintain an inventory of oil spill response equipment that has been tested and approved to ensure that first responders are using the most effective equipment and technologies available; and
  • Establish a program that would allow the Coast Guard to conduct research, development, and testing of oil spill and hazardous substance response equipment, technologies, and techniques.


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