Rockefeller Says Senate Vote to Protect Open Internet Is Win for Consumers

November 10, 2011

Chairman RockefellerWASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV issued the following statement today after the Senate voted not to proceed with its consideration of S.J.Res.6, a Republican effort to overturn the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) rules that ensure a free and open Internet for Americans:

"I am pleased that the Senate voted down this misguided resolution.  By keeping the Open Internet rules in place, we can protect consumers, inspire innovation, and foster investment in the broadband economy.  These rules are the product of hard work, consensus, and compromise.  During this process, the agency received written input from more than 100,000 commenters, 90 percent of which supported adoption of the Open Internet rules.  So at the end of the day, the FCC's light-touch approach to network neutrality prevailed, and that is a good thing."  
