Rockefeller's Bill Gains Support of Every Major National Public Safety Organization

February 15, 2011

Chairman Rockefeller meets with uniformed public safety officials.WASHINGTON, D.C. — Support for Chairman Rockefeller’s Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act (S. 28) continues to grow. The Chairman's proposal to allocate 10 megahertz of the 700 MHz spectrum known as the "D-block" to public safety officials for a nationwide, interoperable, wireless broadband network has been embraced by national and local public safety organizations.

This network will allow public safety officials to remotely access criminal databases, distribute surveillance video feeds to on-scene personnel, and receive high speed file downloads, such as floor plans for burning buildings, wirelessly. The network will help keep our public safety officials safe and help save lives. President Obama announced last month that he supports Chairman Rockefeller’s approach. Building the network will not add to the deficit. In fact, the Wireless Association (CTIA) and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) announced this week that the incentive auctions will bring in more than $33 billion.

**A hearing on Chairman Rockefeller’s bill is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 10 a.m. in Room 253 of the Russell Senate Office Building. The hearing will also be streamed live online at The following witnesses will testify: The Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives; the Honorable Raymond W. Kelly, Police Commissioner, City of New York; the Honorable Jack A. Markell, Governor, State of Delaware, on behalf of the National Governors Association; Mr. Al Gillespie, Chief, North Las Vegas Fire Department and First Vice President, International Association of Fire Chiefs; and Mr. Joe Hanna, President, Directions, Inc.** 

The following organizations and associations support Chairman Rockefeller’s legislation:

International Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Fire Chiefs

National Sheriffs' Association

Major Cities Chiefs Association

Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association

Major County Sheriffs' Association

Fraternal Order of Police 

Public Safety Alliance

Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, International

National Emergency Management Association

National Association of State Emergency Medical Service Officials 

National Emergency Number Association

National Governors Association 

Council of State Governments

National Association of Regional Councils 

The National Conference of State Legislatures

Alarm Industry Communications Committee

National League of Cities

National Association of Counties

United States Conference of Mayors



Communications Workers of America

American Public Works Association
