Rockefeller Statement Following President Obama's Commitment to Communications for First Responders

February 10, 2011

Chairman RockefellerWASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV released the following statement today after President Obama committed to developing and deploying a nationwide wireless broadband network for public safety: 

“I have long supported providing our first responders the ability to communicate with one another when the unthinkable occurs,” said Rockefeller. “My bill does exactly that, and I am glad that President Obama has embraced this great concept. The Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act, which is supported by fire, police and other first responder organizations across the country, will provide public safety officials with the spectrum resources they require to support a national, interoperable wireless broadband network that will help those who protect us from harm. Nearly ten years after 9-11, and 5 years after Hurricane Katrina, first responders are still waiting for a nationwide interoperable communications system. This is unacceptable. The best way to honor the bravery of our police, firefighters, and first responders is to provide them with vital and necessary communications resources. I look forward to discussing this more at my hearing next week before the Commerce Committee.”


Safeguarding Our Future: Building A Nationwide Network For First Responders

Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hearing Start Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location: Room 253, Russell Senate Office Building
