Key Quotes from Hearing on Alternative Aviation Fuels

July 28, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Senate Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security Subcommittee hearing today held a hearing on alternative aviation fuels. The hearing examined the impact of fuel prices on the industry, current efforts to develop alternative aviation fuels, and obstacles that must be overcome to facilitate their commercialization and adoption throughout the industry.  Key issues that were addressed at the hearing included: research and development needs; infrastructure concerns; and actions the government should consider to minimize the impact of fuel costs on the aviation sector.                  

Witness List:

Panel I

Dr. Lourdes Maurice, Executive Director for Environment and Energy, Federal Aviation Administration

Mr. Terry Yonkers, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Logistics, SAF/IE

Mr. Bill Glover, Vice President of Environment and Aviation Policy, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, The Boeing Company

Mr. Tom Todaro, Chief Executive Officer, AltAir Fuels, LLC

Ms. Sharon Pinkerton, Senior Vice President of Legislative and Regulatory Policy, Air Transport Association

Panel II

Ms. Judy Canales, Administrator for Rural Business and Cooperative Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture 

Mr. Richard Altman, Executive Director, Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)

Mr. John Plaza, President and Chief Executive Officer, Imperium Renewables

Key Quotations from Today’s Hearing:

“As a nation, we continue to look for ways to do things better, be more efficient while using less—whether that’s a business like an airline or an average American middle-class family.  Efficient, economic alternatives are critical to our nation’s economy and our global competitiveness.  My hope is that the use of alternative fuels becomes commercially viable and adopted by airlines throughout the industry for use on a regular basis.”  

Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV

“With the rising cost of jet fuel and the thriving American biofuel industry, we have an opportunity to help aviation by keeping costs down for the future.  The production of green jet fuel will mean real economic opportunity.  I know that in my state it can create an important industry; obviously aerospace is already an important industry. Investing in biofuels could lead to nearly 200,000 jobs and $37 billion dollars of economic impact over the next 12 years, if we make the right investments today.  We obviously need to make sure that the supply chain and the delivery of this fuel can be done.”

Senator Maria Cantwell, Chairwoman, U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security

“Today, commercial aviation faces a number challenges--fuel cost, environmental impacts and energy security—that sustainable jet fuels can help to address.  Fuels that are derived from biomass may offset a portion of the carbon produced by the aircraft as well as mitigate air quality issues such as emissions of sulphur and particulate matter.  And domestic alternatives to petroleum jet fuel can expand and diversify the jet fuel supply and contribute to price stability and supply security.”

Dr. Lourdes Maurice, Executive Director for Environment and Energy, Federal Aviation Administration

“Effective and efficient energy management is not only necessary—it is critical to assuring available energy today and sustainable energy into the future to ensure the Air Force can execute these missions. There is a recognized need to have assured access to reliable energy sources and ensure that sufficient energy is available to meet Air Force operational needs. The Air Force is proud to be a leader in America’s ongoing quest for efficient and effective energy use through improved processes, better operational procedures and new technologies, as well as in helping the nation decreases its dependence on imported oil through alternative fuel and renewable energy usage.”

Mr. Terry Yonkers, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Logistics, SAF/IE

“[W]hile the industry is rightfully pleased with its accomplishments thus far, much work needs to be done to make these alternative fuels commercially available and economically competitive.”

Mr. Bill Glover, Vice President of Environment and Aviation Policy, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, The Boeing Company

“[L]et me say that renewable aviation fuel is a reality.  There are no technological barriers for either the production or use of these domestic, renewable fuels.  This homegrown energy is fueling our jetfighters and commercial planes in the U.S. today. And I look forward to working with this Committee, the Congress and the Obama Administration to ensure that camelina-based fuels and other advanced biofuels continue to propel us towards a more prosperous, energy independent future.”

Mr. Tom Todaro, Chief Executive Officer, AltAir Fuels, LLC

“The steady rise of jet-fuel prices in the last decade and unprecedented price volatility in more recent years has had a tremendous negative impact, not only on the U.S. airlines and their employees, but also on the customers and communities they serve throughout the nation.  Congressional action to enhance the level and reliability of fuel supplies and the integrity of aviation fuel markets will help meet those challenges.”

Ms. Sharon Pinkerton, Senior Vice President of Legislative and Regulatory Policy, Air Transport Association

“Expediting the commercial production of aviation biofuels will strengthen those elements of the agricultural sector involved in the growth of biomass, the ‘green’ technologies that process the biomass, and those who build the logistical infrastructure that is needed in select areas.  Over time, the investments made today will lessen our reliance on petroleum-derived fuels.  The Farm to Fly effort aims to ‘accelerate the availability of a commercially viable, sustainable aviation biofuel industry in the United States, increase domestic energy security, establish regional supply chains and support rural development.’”

Ms. Judy Canales, Administrator for Rural Business and Cooperative Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture 

“The process that took a decade and tens of million dollars to qualify fuel from a single producer and process location has now evolved into a robust methodology that has produced qualification of two new process categories in the 09' to 11' period for global supply.  In so doing, time to qualification has been cut by two thirds—and qualification costs by similar amounts.  Together we have enabled the formation of an aviation alternative fuels supply industry.”

Mr. Richard Altman, Executive Director, Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)

“We are planning to construct an advanced biofuel facility that will produce renewable jet fuel adjacent to our existing site in Grays Harbor.  This new facility will create over 300 construction jobs during the first three years, and increase our workforce by an additional 50 permanent employees.  With the construction and operation of this additional facility, over $250,000,000 will be invested by Imperium into Washington State during the construction phase, and once in operation, we will provide over $20,000,000 of annual direct economic benefit to the State.  We are committed to the Grays Harbor community and believe that the Pacific Northwest, along with the entire nation, will benefit economically and environmentally from the development and use of renewable jet fuels.”

Mr. John Plaza, President and Chief Executive Officer, Imperium Renewables
