Rockefeller Statement on Deal to End FAA Shutdown and Get Americans Back to Work

August 4, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV issued the following statement today:

“The Senate reached a resolution today because we need to allow FAA safety workers to get back on the job and the American economy needs thousands of construction workers building airports.  House Republicans made it clear they would continue to hold the entire aviation system hostage.  I deplore those tactics, but ultimately the stakes for real people are too high. 

“It’s clear the right wing of the GOP wants to undo worker protections and may again block progress on the FAA bill in September in order to get its way.  Thankfully, for now, this deal allows the FAA to restart, maintains workers’ rights, and ensures that rural airports can get the resources they need, with language that protects deserving small communities whose airports are the lifeblood of their economies.” 
