Rockefeller Statement on Republican Refusal to Extend FAA Funding

August 2, 2011

Chairman Rockefeller remarks on the Toyota recall.WASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV issued the following statement regarding the ongoing impasse over FAA reauthorization negotiations:

“In a stunning display of politics over people, the House Republicans’ insistence on attaching anti-worker provisions to an aviation bill has brought about a terrible stalemate that is hurting the economy.  The House brought about a partial shutdown of the FAA on July 23rd, and their stubborn adherence to that partisan stance led us to this point.

“Today, Republicans once again objected to a simple, fair request—a ‘clean’ extension of funding that would maintain operations into the fall, allow the FAA to function, and restart bipartisan negotiations, which Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and I have made clear we are ready to do.  From day one, House GOP leaders admitted openly—almost proudly—that they were doing this to gain ‘leverage’ toward a larger goal—undermining worker rights.  Now, the victims of that GOP ploy are the passengers, airport safety and construction projects, 4,000 furloughed workers and more than 70,000 construction jobs around the country that are on hold until the Republicans realize that they can’t use extortion to get their way on this.”


After consulting with the Congressional Research Service and House leaders, it is clear that under the House rules, the House could approve by unanimous consent a clean extension sent over by the Senate when it goes into session on Friday, if Speaker Boehner wanted to and both parties agreed.
