Sen. Hutchison Praises Final Passage of Bill to Prohibit European Carbon Taxes on U.S. Consumers, Airlines

November 13, 2012

Washington, DC U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, today made the following statement regarding the final passage of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act:

“I am pleased that the Senate and House have worked together to pass this important piece of legislation to protect U.S. consumers from a flawed European tax scheme.  This legislation, developed and passed with bipartisan support in the Senate Commerce Committee, will protect U.S. consumers and airlines alike from the ill-effects of the EU’s emissions trading scheme.  Yesterday’s statements from EU officials show that while they plan to delay the implementation of the scheme, the threat to U.S. sovereignty still looms.  I strongly urge the President to sign this bipartisan legislation as quickly as possible.” 

Senator Hutchison is a co-sponsor of the bill, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act, S. 1956.
