Rockefeller Asks British Panel for Phone Hacking Information

May 2, 2012

JDR Head ShotWASHINGTON, D.C.— Sen. Jay Rockefeller today sent a letter to Lord Justice Brian Leveson, who is currently leading a special judicial investigation into phone hacking and other alleged illegal activities by News International, a subsidiary of News Corporation.  The letter asks Lord Leveson if his inquiry has uncovered any new information suggesting that News International’s conduct involved U.S. citizens or violated U.S. laws.

As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Rockefeller has jurisdiction over media and communications issues in the United States. Rockefeller raised questions about the extent of News Corp’s phone hacking last July when the allegations were broadly reported in the U.S.  Today’s new request for information comes as the Leveson Inquiry and other British investigations are disclosing large volumes of new information and documents about News International’s widespread misconduct.   
