Rockefeller Hails Initial Meeting on First Responder Network

September 25, 2012

SCom: CommunicationsWASHINGTON, D.C.— Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV today released a statement on the FirstNet board’s first meeting on the nationwide, interoperable broadband network for first responders based on Rockefeller’s public safety spectrum bill.

“Today’s initial meeting of the FirstNet board is an important milestone in making the public safety network a reality,” said Rockefeller.  “It’s good to see the FirstNet board members get right to work and discuss implementation issues.  The board will face tough decisions and many competing demands as it carries out the critical task set by Congress.  As FirstNet continues its work, I encourage all stakeholders to recognize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we have to create this network for our nation’s first responders.”
