Rockefeller Honors Senator Inouye's Legacy With Bills

February 11, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV today introduced the International Fisheries Stewardship and Enforcement Act (IFSEA) and the Pirate Fishing Elimination Act (PFEA). Senator Daniel Inouye had sponsored this legislation in previous Congresses, which if enacted would make significant strides towards ending illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, or “pirate fishing,” a practice that subjects U.S. fishermen to unfair competition and undermines sustainable fisheries management around the world. 

“Senator Inouye exemplified what it means to be a public servant and fought tirelessly for his state and our country,” said Rockefeller. “He was a true American hero, a good friend and mentor to me since my early days in the Senate and left behind remarkable achievements that continue to define this chamber. I will introduce two of Senator Inouye’s outstanding Commerce bills to strengthen international fisheries enforcement and I am determined to shepherd them through the process and see to it that they are signed into law in his honor. They will add to his already prodigious legislative record. Any senator would be proud to accomplish even a fraction of what this great statesman achieved.” 
