Rockefeller Statement on Strengthening Advanced Manufacturing

January 15, 2014

JDR Head ShotWASHINGTON, D.C.— Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV today issued the following statement on President Barack Obama’s announcement of the manufacturing innovation institute at North Carolina State University. Rockefeller chaired a hearing in November 2013 titled, “The Role of Manufacturing Hubs in a 21st Century Innovation Economy,” which focused on ways that government and industry can collaborate to foster innovation and strengthen the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing innovation institutes, which the President is discussing today, were highlighted during the hearing as an example of proposals to support U.S. manufacturing.

“I applaud the Obama Administration for its support of advanced manufacturing that will create stable, well-paying jobs for a new generation of Americans who must compete in a global economy. The President’s initiative to create manufacturing hubs, such as the one in Youngstown, Ohio, and now in Raleigh, North Carolina, will leverage America’s great strength in research and development, and transform that scientific edge in the laboratory into tangible results on the factory floor. As Chairman of the Commerce Committee, I have long been focused on bridging this gap – the so-called ‘valley of death’ – so I am thrilled the President is making this a top priority. I intend to focus on helping the President create similar hubs across the country, including pushing my colleagues to support this important economic initiative.”
