NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, Gizmodo, and Others Cover Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune’s Letter to Facebook on “Trending Topics” Bias Allegations

May 11, 2016

“All we’re simply saying is as a platform that professes to be neutral, that professes to use an objective algorithm for determining what those topics are … then that’s what they ought to be doing.” - Sen. John Thune, Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto     


“If the news that’s coming through there, which is represented to be objective and it’s not then I think the people deserve the right to know that.”

- Sen. John Thune, NBC Nightly News

“Consumers have rights and we want to make sure that we’re protecting consumers’ rights and that businesses aren’t, in fact, engaging in any kind of deceptive practice.”

- Sen. John Thune, CBS This Morning

“We all think when we hear about trending stories it's all just decided by a computer algorithm …. We heard yesterday from senator John Thune in South Dakota asking a long list of questions to Mark Zuckerberg about it.”

- Brian Stelter, Host of CNN’s Reliable Sources

“[Y]ou can’t begin to address the subjective nature of news without first acknowledging it. And Facebook has gone out of its way to avoid doing that, for reasons that are central to its identity as a technology company.”

- Will Oremus, Slate

NBC Nightly News: Facebook Controversy. Watch here.  

CBS This Morning: Facebook Bias? Watch here. 

FOX News: Facebook Accused of Suppressing “Trending Topics.” Watch here.


CNN: Is Facebook Biased? Watch here.

Other Articles:

Gizmodo: Senate GOP Launches Inquiry Into Facebook’s News Curation

New York Times: Senator Demands Answers from Facebook on Claims of ‘Trending’ List Bias

NBC News: Senate Republicans Want Face Time With Facebook Over Trending Topics ‘Bias’

Slate: Of Course Facebook Is Biased. Its Real Problem Is That It Won’t Admit It.

Breitbart News: Senate Investigating Claims Facebook Censors Conservative News

RT: US Senate Launches Inquiry Over Facebook’s Alleged Political Bias in Trending News List

Deutsche Welle: US Senator Presses Facebook on Anti-Conservative Bias

NPR: Is Facebook Suppressing Politically Conservative Content?

Newsmax: Sen. John Thune Demands Answers from Facebook About Alleged Political Bias

The Guardian: US Senator Demands Facebook Explain Allegations It Censors Conservative News

TIME: This Is The Real Problem with Facebook’s Controversial Feature

POLITICO: GOP Unfriends Facebook

ABC News: GOP Presses Facebook Over Links to Conservative Stories

New York Post: Senate Committee Demands Answers on Facebook News ‘Bias’

The Hill: GOP Sinks Teeth Into Facebook Bias Allegations

WSJ: Five Things to Know About Facebook’s Trending Controversy

BBC News: US Senator Enters Facebook ‘Bias’ Row

Financial Times: Republicans Press Facebook on Bias Claims

LA Times: By Getting Into the News Business, Facebook Opened Itself Up To A New Controversy

Business Insider: Senators Are Asking Facebook for Answers Over Its Alleged Suppression of Conservative News

Fast Company: Senate GOP Wants to Know How Facebook Picks Trending Topics

USA Today: Facebook Investigates Political Bias Charges, Reviews Policies

TIME: U.S. Senator Asks Facebook to Respond to Allegations of Bias

Reuters: Senate Committee Questions Facebook Over News Selection

Think Progress: Senator Slams Facebook Over Alleged Suppression of Conservative News

Hot Air: Senator Thune Demands Answers From Facebook CEO About News Bias

Washington Post: Unfriended: Senator Hits Zuckerberg Over Alleged Anti-Conservative Bias at Facebook

UPI: Senator Asks Facebook to Answer Reporters It Suppressed Conservative News

Washington Times: Senate Begins Probe Into Facebook Over Conservative Censorship Allegations

CBS News: Top Senate Republican Calls on Facebook to Respond to Censorship Accusations

Talking Points Memo: GOP Sen. Demands Answers From Facebook After Allegations of News Bias

Recode: The U.S. Senate Wants Mark Zuckerberg to Say Whether Facebook Has Been Manipulating the News

Newsweek: Senate Now Investigating Whether Facebook Censored Conservative News

Daily Caller: Lawmakers Are Right to Demand Answers About Facebook Censorship

The Blaze: Senate Wants Answers From Facebook on Allegations of Conservative News Censorship

WSJ: Facebook Refutes Criticism About a Bias Against Conservatives

NY Magazine: Why Facebook Got a Letter from the Senate

Tech Insider: Republicans Investigate Facebook

Roll Call: Facebook to Brief House Committee Over Conservatives’ Concerns

FOX News: Facebook Says There is ‘No Evidence’ of Anti-Conservative Bias on Trending Topics

The Atlantic: Facebook and Fear

The Hill: Top Republican Demands Answers Over Alleged Facebook Political Bias

Buzzfeed: U.S. Senate Demands Answers Over Alleged Anti-Conservative Bias

Yahoo: GOP Senator Presses Facebook Over Allegations of Liberal Bias

POLITICO: Senate Committee Presses Facebook on Handling of Conservative News

Morning Consult: Thune: Facebook Must Address Allegations of Political Bias in ‘Trending’ News

CNN Money: Senate Demands Answers From Facebook

Huffington Post: GOP Senator Wants to Know If Facebook is Biased Against Conservatives

The Verge: Senate Republicans Pile Onto Facebook Backlash in Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

US News: Senate Chairman Presses Facebook on Liberal Bias Claims

The Street: Forget Leaning In, Does Facebook Lean Left?

Click here to read Thune’s letter to Facebook.