Former Secretaries of Commerce Urge Senate Confirmation of Nominee Wilbur Ross

Committee releases letters, ethics agreement, and OGE financial disclosure

January 17, 2017

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today, released letters of support from four former Secretaries of Commerce endorsing Wilbur Ross for the position. Ross will testify at a confirmation hearing before the Commerce Committee on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. in room G-50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The Commerce Committee received the completed ethics agreement and public financial disclosures from the Office of Government Ethics for Ross on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Ross’ nomination questionnaire is available here.

William M. Daley – former White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama and former Clinton administration Secretary of Commerce:

“I have known Mr. Ross and have observed his business acumen over many years. He is a person of integrity and accomplishment …. As a former Secretary, I understand the challenges leading the department in these quickly changing and challenging economic times. I believe Mr. Ross will do a superb job on behalf of the people of the United States of America.”

Carlos Gutierrez – former George W. Bush administration Secretary of Commerce:
“I had the opportunity to meet and work with Mr. Ross when I was Secretary of Commerce. His business acumen, experience, and wisdom are unparalleled. His deep understanding of manufacturing will be a tremendous asset for American workers.”
Donald L. Evans – former George W. Bush administration Secretary of Commerce:

“As a successful entrepreneur, Mr. Ross has a keen understanding of the challenges that businesses of all sizes face in this competitive global economy, and I am confident his experience will prove to be invaluable as Secretary of Commerce. Most importantly, I know Mr. Ross as a true patriot – a man who has the best interest of our great country at heart. He will always put America first. He will serve as an outstanding leader as the next Secretary of Commerce.”
Peter G. Peterson – former Nixon administration Secretary of Commerce:
“As a former Commerce Secretary, I am confident that the Department and the nation will benefit greatly from Wilbur’s wisdom, experience and integrity. Wilbur possesses a vast knowledge base and extensive business expertise across multiple sectors, which will serve him well in guiding policies that spur economic growth and create jobs.”