Executive Session

U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, will convene an executive session on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 9:45 a.m. in Dirksen Senate Office Building G50 to consider the following legislative measures and nominations:


  1. S. 933, Bolstering Long-Term Understanding and Exploration of the Great Lakes, Oceans, Bays, and Estuaries Act (BLUE GLOBE) Act, Sponsors: Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii
  1. S. 1730, Living Shorelines Act of 2019, Sponsors: Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Edward Markey, D-Mass., Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.
  2. S. 3152, Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act, Sponsors: Sens. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., Deb Fischer, R-Neb., Todd Young, R-Ind., Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, Edward Markey, D-Mass., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.
  3. S. 3771, Fundamentally Understanding the Usability and Realistic Evolution (FUTURE) of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2020, Sponsors: Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Todd Young, R-Ind., Edward Markey, D-Mass
  4. S. 3891, Advancing Artificial Intelligence Research Act of 2020, Sponsors: Sens. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., Gary Peters, D-Mich., Roger Wicker, R-Miss.
  5. S. 3958, Expedited Delivery of Airport Infrastructure Act of 2020, Sponsors: Sens. Todd Young, R-Ind., Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., Ted Cruz, R-Texas
  6. S. 4144, Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act of 2020, Sponsors: Sens. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.
  7. S. 4162, Airport Infrastructure Readiness (AIR) Act of 2020, Sponsors: Sens. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill.
  8. Joel Szabat, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation
  9. Michael O’Rielly, of New York, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission
  10. Michael Walsh, Jr., of Virginia, to be General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Commerce
  11. Mary Toman, of California, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce
  12. Coast Guard Nominations  

*Agenda subject to change

Executive Session Details:

July 22, 2020
9:45 a.m.
Full Committee
Dirksen Senate Office Building G50

A live video of the markup and additional information will be available at www.commerce.senate.gov 

*In order to maintain physical distancing as advised by the Office of the Attending Physician, seating for credentialed press will be limited throughout the course of the hearing. Due to current limited access to the Capitol complex, the general public is encouraged to view this hearing via the live stream.

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Minority Statement

  • Ranking Member Maria Cantwell