Cantwell, Committee Approve Buttigieg Nomination

January 27, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation voted to send the nomination of Pete Buttigieg to be U.S. Secretary of Transportation to the full Senate. U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, the incoming Chair of the committee, praised Buttigieg’s experience and discussed some of the urgent issues he will face upon confirmation as Secretary. 

“As someone who had served our country, as a United States Navy reservist, including deployment in Afghanistan, he also, as a Rhodes Scholar, showed impressive understanding of the future of our transportation policies and the major changes that they are going through,” said Senator Cantwell. “He understands what all of us have to deal with on transportation and infrastructure…I enthusiastically endorse this nomination and I asked my colleagues to support it as well.” 

During Buttigieg’s nomination hearing last week, Senator Cantwell secured key commitments from him to invest in transportation infrastructure and improve safety culture at the Department of Transportation. 

Video of Senator Cantwell’s opening statement can be found HERE and audio is HERE
