Senate Commerce Committee Delivers Progress for American Families, Economy, Future Under Chair Cantwell

January 29, 2023

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, released a review of Committee achievements during the 117th Congress. 

At the beginning of 2021, Sen. Cantwell became the first woman to Chair the Commerce Committee. With one of the most diverse portfolios in the Senate, the Committee and its seven subcommittees have jurisdiction over a broad range of industries, agencies and issues, setting national policy that impacts American families in their daily lives.

In the introduction to the interactive review, the Committee majority writes:

When the Senate Commerce Committee met at the beginning of the 117th Congress two years ago, Senator Maria Cantwell set the goal of finding bipartisan solutions to the challenges facing our economy and the pressing needs of the American people. 

The country was navigating the effects of the ongoing COVID pandemic, which wreaked havoc on our supply chains, local economies and the pocketbooks of everyday families. Underinvestment in technology innovation had left the United States at risk of falling behind other countries. And the nation’s crumbling transportation infrastructure badly needed repair.  

Americans were looking forward to a new era and wanted a Congress that could deliver. And we did.    

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We invested to rebuild our neglected infrastructure – airports, roads, bridges and ports in your communities. 

We passed the CHIPS and Science Act – reigniting technology research and development to drive innovation, create good jobs, and bring manufacturing back to the United States.

We made the largest investment in climate, protecting our marine life and ocean economy. 

We strengthened our supply chains and set up new programs to support minority businesses. 

We expanded STEM education opportunities so that more women and minorities can get the skills needed to succeed in a high-tech economy. 

And we set the course to connect Americans with affordable, reliable high-speed internet – a necessity in the 21st century –  regardless of where you live.  

Working together to advance these new investments, laws and programs, the Commerce Committee delivered real change that will benefit American families and businesses, create good jobs in every corner of the nation and build an economy for the future.  

Thank you to the Democratic members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation: Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Richard Blumenthal, Brian Schatz, Ed Markey, Gary Peters, Tammy Baldwin, Tammy Duckworth, Jon Tester, Kyrsten Sinema, Jacky Rosen, Ben Ray Luján, John Hickenlooper and Raphael Warnock.

75 Committee Hearings, 24 Executive Sessions

During the 117th Congress, Commerce Committee Democrats led 75 hearings to explore pressing issues facing the economy and the American people, including supply chain disruptions, rising gas and prescription drug prices, protecting children’s online privacy, boosting investment in research and development and implementing new aviation safety standards.

71 Bills Passed out of Committee

The Commerce Committee passed 71 bills during the 117th Congress, laying the foundation for consequential, historic legislation, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, as well as climate initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act.

51 Nominations Confirmed – including Presidential Cabinet members, Board Commissioners and the first woman to lead any U.S. military branch

Sen. Cantwell oversaw the nomination process for President Biden’s top appointees to the Commerce and Transportation Departments, and key agencies and commissions, including Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Linda Fagan – the first woman to lead any U.S. military branch.