100k Strong, Machinists & Aerospace Workers Back Phil Washington as FAA Administrator

March 15, 2023

Underscoring the strong support of the hard working men and women in the airline industry, today Phil Washington received the endorsement of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the largest airline union in North America.

“We strongly believe Mr. Washington has the requisite experience and skills to lead the FAA,” wrote IAM President Robert Martinez Jr. in a letter to the Committee.  “We also believe Mr. Washington’s 24 year career in the U.S. Army should be viewed as an asset to the FAA.  His distinguished military service brings added value to the FAA just as the thousands of workers in the airline industry with similar backgrounds.” 

Martinez, a Navy veteran, joined IAM in 1980 as a member of Local 776A in Fort Worth, TX, after being hired as an Aircraft Assembler at Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth Division.  

The letter can be found HERE.