Cantwell, Democrats: Phil Washington is a Proven Leader With a Mission for Safety

March 1, 2023

His deep experience, reputation for results, decades of service, make him the Administrator FAA needs now


Senator Cantwell’s Transcript and Video

Phil Washington’s Testimony

Aviation Organizations and Unions Supporting Phil Washington’s Nomination


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, during a U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation nomination hearing for Phil Washington, President Biden’s nominee to be the next Administrator for the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Committee, and other Committee Democratic members focused on the nominee’s qualifications and extensive history leading complex transportation systems, ensuring that safety is a top priority for the nation’s aviation safety Administrator.

“The safety mission of the FAA starts at the top with the Administrator and I hope to hear from you, Mr. Washington, about your vision for making sure that the FAA is the gold standard in aviation safety,” said Sen. Cantwell in her opening remarks. “You represent a great career that we much appreciate. Mr. Washington is a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Army where he rose to the rank of Command Sergeant Major, the highest noncommissioned officer rank an enlisted soldier can achieve and he would be the first African American confirmed to serve as the FAA Administrator.”


Watch Sen. Cantwell’s Opening Remarks

“My experience as CEO of the third busiest airport in the world, Denver International Airport with 35,000 workers, translates well to the FAA. During the aviation challenges of the last several months, travelers through my airport have not asked me how much direct aviation experience I had. Instead, they asked me where their luggage was, why their flight was delayed or canceled, and how their families would survive in my airport during rigid nights. We engaged with our partners, worked as a team, and took care of travelers at my airport,” said Phil Washington in his testimony.

Phil Washington continued: “The FAA is at a crossroads – an agency that must protect the safest era in aviation, modernize its technology, lift employee morale while staffing up, and maintain its global leadership in aviation. We need permanent leadership at the top of the FAA to address the challenges that we have seen in the last several years. If confirmed, I will draw on a career spanning almost 45 years to be that leader. The safety of the traveling public will remain my top priority – as it has been for me leading the third largest airport in the world, two large transit agencies, and men and women in uniform.”

Washington talked about his 45 years of experience, which includes leading large transportation systems in Denver and Los Angeles, managing multi-million dollar projects to expand public transit, and a 24-year career in the U.S. Army where he rose to the rank of Command Sergeant Major, the highest non-commissioned officer rank an enlisted soldier can achieve.

As the current CEO of the Denver International Airport, the world’s third busiest airport, Washington was introduced by Sens. John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet, both D-Colo., who attested to his leadership and how he transformed Denver’s transit system over the last few decades as leader of the Denver Regional Transportation District and now Denver International Airport. Also in attendance supporting Washington was Denver Mayor Michael Hancock.

“He's built a reputation of coming into organizations filled with challenges and successfully transforming them into successes. He takes on the big complex problems and gets results. This is the kind of person we want in our federal management system,” said Sen. Hickenlooper.


Watch Sen. Hickenlooper’s Introduction


Sen. Bennet following saying, “I understand some members of this Committee have argued Phil lacks direct experience in aviation…I'm surprised by that because as we've heard, he currently is running the third busiest airport on planet Earth. He literally spends every day liaising with 25 airlines, managing over 30,000 employees, and navigating local, state, and federal aviation policy. He's spearheading the most ambitious overhaul of that third busiest airport at DIA since Colorado first built the airport almost 30 years ago.”

Senator Bennet continued, “Instead of focusing on Phil's obvious qualifications, there's been an attempt in recent months to distract from his record and frankly, impugn his character…I will just say that the past 20 years have left me only with the highest regard for Phil's integrity and leadership. That's what the people of Denver believe about Phil and the people of Colorado do as well. And you don't have to take my word for it. The Mayor of Denver, Michael Hancock, is at the hearing.”

“Any fair assessment of his career and of his character would see a nominee with integrity, drive, and a record of results at every institution he's led. You would make an outstanding administrator for the FAA and I wholeheartedly endorse his nomination.”


Watch Sen. Bennet’s Introduction

As Congress is working on the next FAA reauthorization bill, Sen. Cantwell mentioned the Aircraft Certification Safety and Accountability Act she passed with Sen. Wicker in response to the MAX accidents, saying: “Our reforms made sure that those employees who are doing this certification work were directly hired, that they were able to communicate directly with the FAA, and that they were able to be removed from the FAA.”

Sen. Cantwell asked, “do you support that focus? And will you continue to fight to implement the oversight of an aggressive FAA holding manufacturers accountable for their work in engineering?”

“Absolutely, yes,” Washington responded. “I think Administrator Dickson and Acting Administrator Nolen have done a great job of sort of foot stomping, that we are the regulator. I will continue that I will also continue the implementation of the reform act and look to accelerate the outstanding things that have not been completed. So absolutely, yes.”

Watch Sen. Cantwell’s Q&A Exchange here

Watch Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, reaffirm Phil Washington’s commitment to safety by upholding the 1,500 rule.


Watch Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) talk about workforce development and how Phil Washington would continue to build a diverse aviation workforce to include women and minorities – including military veterans.
Washington: “I think it’s very important that our workforce looks like the people we serve”
Washington: “I would be a walking billboard for veterans to come into aviation.”
Washington: “Pilots are one thing. But I also think about mechanics. I also think about those skill sets that keep the aircraft in the air.”


Watch Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) ask how Phil Washington plans to build up the aviation workforce.

Washington: “I would scale that up for aviation.” “I would be the evangelist for workforce opportunities all over this country”


Watch Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) detail Phil Washington’s public service track record “no one understands safety better than a Command Sergeant Major.”


Watch Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
address the smear campaign by Republicans: “this is a hatchet job”


Earlier this morning, former Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Peter DeFazio wrote to the Chair and Ranking Member praising Phil Washington for his leadership, experience and qualifications to serve in the position and called for swift confirmation.

“You’ve heard arguments that the new Administrator must be a pilot and technical aviation expert –that is not necessary,” his letter said. “The FAA is rife with technical experts and has former pilots in a number of high- ranking positions. What the FAA needs is a strong, accomplished leader who can manage the sprawling, stovepipe bureaucracy and restore efficiency and accountability. That person is Phil Washington.”