Clinton Administration Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater Backs Phil Washington “Without Reservation”

March 21, 2023

In a letter to the Committee, former Clinton Administration Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater endorsed Phil Washington, President Biden’s choice to serve as the next FAA Administrator.

“I have known Mr. Washington for a number of years and have observed him to be highly competent, a skilled manager and an individual of high integrity,” Secretary Slater wrote. “I know that Mr. Washington will be responsive to the concerns of Congress, as members seek to ensure that the agency and the Administration are responsive to consumer issues and concerns, challenges of the moment and the long-term needs of the aviation industry…”  

“I have every confidence that Mr. Washington is the right person, with the right skills, knowledge, acumen and demeanor, to lead the FAA in this time of challenge, change and untold opportunity,” Slater added. “With this in mind, I offer my support of his confirmation as FAA Administrator without reservation.”

Read the letter HERE.