Former Transportation Secretary and Prominent Republican Ray LaHood Calls Phil Washington “Exactly What the FAA Needs at This Critical Time for Aviation”

March 21, 2023

This week, Ray LaHood, former Secretary of Transportation and Republican congressman, sent a letter to the Committee expressing his strong support for Phil Washington to be the next FAA Administrator and calling for his swift confirmation.

“With Mr. Washington’s extensive background and leadership running large organizations, he is exactly what the FAA needs at this critical time for aviation in our country,” wrote Secretary LaHood in a letter to Chair Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz.

“While FAA has been led by truly talented and accomplished administrators, Mr. Washington stands out for having run three large transportation agencies along with his service in the U.S. Army,” LaHood continued. “In each position, Mr. Washington has ensured that travelers get to their destinations safely – whether through transit stations or the third-busiest airport in the world – all while managing thousands of transportation employees.”

With the recent challenges facing the aviation industry, he noted, “now more than ever FAA needs a leader who can dispel any questions on whether the agency remains the global standard in aviation.”

“Having served his country before in uniform, we now need Mr. Washington to serve his country again as FAA Administrator. Mr. Washington has my strong support, and I urge you to move his confirmation through your Committee and before the U.S. Senate,” LaHood ended.


The full letter is below:


March 20, 2023

Dear Chair Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz,

I write in strong support of Phillip A. Washington to serve as the next Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). With Mr. Washington’s extensive background and leadership running large organizations, he is exactly what the FAA needs at this critical time for aviation in our country.

If confirmed, Mr. Washington will serve as the first Senate-confirmed African American FAA Administrator. But that is not the only unique aspect of Mr. Washington’s nomination. While FAA has been led by truly talented and accomplished administrators, Mr. Washington stands out for having run three large transportation agencies along with his service in the U.S. Army. Mr. Washington dedicated over 24 years of his life in service to our country – rising to the highest noncommissioned military rank of Command Sergeant Major. Service in the military prepared Mr. Washington to develop key leadership skills, from motivating and inspiring teams to ensuring focus and dedication to the mission.

Following his distinguished career in the military, Mr. Washington further acknowledged himself in the transportation community by leading three transportation agencies - CEO of Denver’s Regional Transportation District, CEO of LA Metro, and his current role as CEO of Denver International Airport. In each position, Mr. Washington has ensured that travelers get to their destinations safely – whether through transit stations or the third-busiest airport in the world – all while managing thousands of transportation employees. This experience will serve Mr. Washington well as he manages the 45,000 hardworking employees of the FAA whose mission “is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace in the world.”

The FAA in the last few years has faced several challenges. With tragedies involving the 737 MAX exposing flaws in FAA’s certification of aircraft, flights being temporarily grounded for the first time since 9/11 related to an aging NOTAM system, and a recent spike in near-collisions between aircraft, now more than ever FAA needs a leader who can dispel any questions on whether the agency remains the global standard in aviation. He may not be a pilot, but Mr. Washington is a proven leader who will bring the right experience and approach to FAA as it addresses these challenges.

Having served his country before in uniform, we now need Mr. Washington to serve his country again as FAA Administrator. Mr. Washington has my strong support, and I urge you to move his confirmation through your Committee and before the U.S. Senate.

Thank you for your consideration.



Ray LaHood

Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation 2009-2013