Montana Pilots Association: Phil Washington Is “Singularly Unqualified To Serve as FAA Administrator”

March 17, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter to U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Chairwoman Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Michael Vision, President of the Montana Pilots Association (MPA), urges senators to oppose the nomination of Phil Washington to serve as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The letter points to Mr. Washington’s lack of aviation qualifications and experience to lead the FAA.

In the letter, MPA writes:

“On behalf of the Montana Pilots Association (MPA) and pilots across Montana, I am writing to advise you of MPA’s opposition to the nomination of Phil Washington to serve as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)[…] 

“Having read his resume, we noted no aviation or aeronautical experience whatsoever, and no indication that he is at all familiar with the myriad functions of the FAA, especially aviation safety. He is singularly unqualified to serve as FAA Administrator. We are well aware of the challenges to functionality the FAA has exhibited in recent years. These include: the failure of oversight of design and manufacture of the Boeing 737 Max; the recent failure of the NOTAM system, a system that is decades out of date, causing a national ground stoppage of aircraft; the “Biplanes Inc.” decision, which created unnecessary obstacles to thousands of pilots and flight instructors providing training; most recently a rash of “near misses” by airliners in busy terminal areas; as well as other indicators of an agency in turmoil[…]

“The FAA desperately needs a leader who has knowledge of the agency’s functionality as well as its shortcomings, and has the aviation experience needed to move the agency forward.  Clearly, Mr. Washington is not that person.  He has virtually zero experience with or knowledge of aircraft or pilot certification, aviation safety systems, air traffic control, or any of the many other essential functions that the FAA is responsible for and that the traveling public expects and demands of our aviation infrastructure.”

To read the full letter click HERE.
