ICYMI: America’s Governors, Mayors and County Officials Call for Railway Safety Act Passage in New Letter to Senate Leadership

June 14, 2023

This week, leading voices for states and cities, the National Governors Association (NGA), the National League of Cities (NLC) and the National Association of Counties (NACo), sent a letter to Senate leadership urging the passage of the bipartisan Railway Safety Act stating that inaction puts the economic future and safety of their communities at risk the longer the bill waits.  

“We urge your support of S.576, the Railway Safety Act of 2023, which would help ensure rail moves more safely through our communities. In light of recent devastating freight train derailments, we strongly believe that now is the time for Congress to act and pass S.576 which makes significant strides toward improving railway safety,” the organizations wrote.

“Each derailment is a potential disaster, and Congress should not wait any longer to act on bipartisan rail safety legislation that addresses key rail issues using reasonable and clear solutions…,” they continued. “The safe and efficient operation of the freight rail industry is key for the economic competitiveness of the country.”

Combined, these bipartisan organizations represent Governors of all 50 states and territories, mayors and officials of 2,700 cities and towns and nearly 40,000 county officials.

Read the letter here.

Recently, the NLC launched an interactive map showing the alarming number of train derailments across the country. According to the NLC, an average of three trains derail per day, with as many as half potentially carrying hazardous substances. The top 5 states with derailments over the last decade are Texas, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania and Ohio. 

In May, Sen. Cantwell joined ‘rail town’ mayors and local officials from the NLC to call for the passage of the Railway Safety Act, legislation to prevent a disastrous train derailment like the one that devastated East Palestine from happening in their cities.

The Senate Commerce Committee passed the bipartisan Railway Safety Act of 2023 on May 10 and is now awaiting a vote in the Senate. The legislation was introduced by Ohio and Pennsylvania Sens. Sherrod Brown, J.D. Vance, Bob Casey and John Fetterman following the East Palestine, Ohio, derailment. A summary of its key provisions can be found here.