Sen. Cruz Releases Statement Following Meeting With Boeing CEO David Calhoun

January 25, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today released the following statement after meeting with Boeing CEO David Calhoun.

“This morning, I met with Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun, and I asked him a number of new questions that he committed to answer regarding this accident, the MAX 9, and Boeing’s production processes.

“Based on our conversation, I am hopeful there will soon be a thorough, public accounting of the cause of this accident beyond the current speculation in the press. Furthermore, there may be broader, systemic production issues with Boeing and its suppliers that I fully expect the Commerce Committee to review and press for answers.

“Mr. Calhoun emphasized Boeing’s commitment to a quality culture that is focused on safety. That’s a good thing, but the Committee is going to use President Reagan’s ‘trust, but verify’ approach. As Ranking Member, I have requested information from Boeing that will enable Congress to assess if broader changes are needed at the company.

“Boeing has been a great American employer, and I believe we all want to see it succeed, but Congress has an obligation to make sure the flying public is safe, and there is justifiable concern with Boeing’s commitment to safety and quality.

“I look forward to getting detailed answers and information from Boeing, especially as the Commerce Committee considers an FAA reauthorization.”
