Cantwell, Young, Hassan, Blackburn Resolution Establishing World Quantum Day Passes Senate

April 15, 2024

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Todd Young (R-Ind.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) to commemorate and support the goals of World Quantum Day, which is recognized annually on April 14th.

The resolution highlights the importance of the quantum mechanics that are part of the technologies used in everyday life, such as semiconductors, GPS systems and MRI imaging. The U.S. has been a pioneer in revolutionary quantum technologies and this resolution recognizes that legacy.  

“Quantum is game-changing technology that can help solve problems faster than ever before, tackling issues from health care to agriculture. It’s important we continue to boost our STEM education programs to train students who will become the next quantum workforce changing the world,” said Senator Cantwell.

“Quantum science continues to create revolutionary technology and will help America secure our competitive advantage. We must provide children and schools with the resources to introduce quantum concepts early and encourage participation in our growing STEM workforce. The World Quantum Day initiative is an important reminder of the progress already made in this technology field and the need to ensure our children have the skills they need to continue that progress in the future,” said Senator Young.

“Quantum information science and technology play an increasingly vital role in our national security and our economy. That is why we must promote the training of the next generation of scientists and develop a workforce that is equipped to lead in this emerging field. World Quantum Day should serve as an important reminder of the need to investment more in STEM and quantum education, research, and development," said Senator Hassan.

“Quantum information science and technology exhibit great potential to be powerful sources of innovation and economic growth. It is critical the United States provide an environment for entrepreneurs and companies to promote competition and continued innovation. World Quantum Day signifies a continued commitment to growing quantum application in the U.S. and a celebration of progress,” said Senator Blackburn.

“I stand in full support of the U.S. Senate resolution to officially recognize April 14th as World Quantum Day. This resolution not only celebrates the United States' substantial investment and pioneering leadership in quantum science but also reinforces our commitment to nurturing the diverse talent necessary to harness the transformative power of quantum technologies. Last year's resolution laid a crucial foundation, demonstrating bipartisan acknowledgment of quantum science as a pivotal frontier for innovation. Today, as we look towards the future, it is imperative that we continue to support this momentum. By fostering an inclusive environment for education and development in quantum science, we can ensure the United States remains at the forefront of this groundbreaking field, leading the world in technological advancements that promise to redefine industries, enhance national security, and solve some of our most complex challenges,” said U.S. Representative of the World Quantum Day Initiative Spyridon Michalakis.

“IBM applauds Senators Young, Hassan, Blackburn, and Cantwell for their unwavering support for World Quantum Day and their continued efforts to champion quantum policy in Congress. As an industry leader in quantum technology, we recognize the vital impact it will have on every sector of our economy and everyday life. It is essential to the growth of science and technology that we promote quantum computing science and technology worldwide,” said IBM Fellow and Vice President of IBM Quantum Jay Gambetta.