Support for FAA Reauthorization Bill Continues to Grow, Backed by Aviation Community, Labor

May 1, 2024

As the U.S. Senate begins consideration of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024, the aviation community, including pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers, aerospace workers, airports, manufacturers and more are voicing their support calling for the bipartisan legislation to pass the Senate.

Earlier this week, following months of negotiations, Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell and Ranking Member Ted Cruz, and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Sam Graves and Ranking Member Rick Larsen announced a bipartisan agreement on a bill to reauthorize the FAA and the NTSB for five years. The legislation prioritizes investments to strengthen aviation safety standards, enhance consumer protections, advance technology and innovation, and build a modern, well-trained, safety-centric workforce.


America’s Aviation Community Supports the FAA Reauthorization Act 


Representing 12.5 million workers

“The bipartisan agreement reached to reauthorize the FAA is a victory for workers across the aviation industry, and the AFL-CIO urges its prompt passage. From production to operation and maintenance, our aviation affiliates, owning their power as essential contributors to the American economy and way of life, made their voices heard. This agreement shows that lawmakers listened. The agreement’s array of provisions advances the rights of workers, from growing the workforce to improving safety and health on the job. And, to boot, these improvements will help keep the flying public safe. On behalf of our 12.5 million members, we are grateful to our allies in Congress who pushed for the reauthorization of this critical agency, and we look forward to Congress sending it to President Biden’s desk,” said Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO. [Link]


Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA)

Representing more than 67,000 pilots

“Maintaining the highest safety standards has been critical to establishing the U.S. as the global leader in aviation. ALPA applauds the bipartisan leadership of members of Congress to keep safety and the preservation of collective bargaining agreements of pilots front and center in the FAA reauthorization bill. This FAA reauthorization deal strengthens our industry, making flying safer for passengers, cargo, and crew without weakening the protections that have created the safest period in aviation history, and ALPA urges swift passage of this agreement. 

“This deal maintains our world-leading pilot training standards and rejects attempts to arbitrarily raise the pilot retirement age, which would have introduced uncertainty into the U.S. aviation system and made us an international outlier. We are grateful for the strong advocacy and proactive stance from airline pilots across the country who were able to prevent rollbacks to the current pilot-qualification standards. 

“ALPA has long maintained that as Congress considered this year’s FAA reauthorization, the focus should remain on breaking down barriers, opening up opportunities to ensure a robust and qualified pipeline of aviators, and providing air-service support for those living in rural and small communities without lowering the bar on safety. ALPA calls on the House and Senate to swiftly pass this bipartisan legislation,” said Capt. Jason Ambrosi, President, ALPA. [Link]


Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA)

Representing 50,000 flight attendants at 19 airlines

“We urge Congress to pass the FAA reauthorization agreement without delay. This agreement will stabilize the FAA and provide it with the resources necessary to ensure America’s aviation system remains the gold standard for safety, security and connectivity. The agreement reached through the leadership of the committee chairs in the House and Senate addresses Flight Attendants’ key concerns. It moves the FAA in the correct direction on staffing and oversight of our industry, while rejecting poison pills that would harm workers and make our system less safe. We urge Congress to act before the May 10 deadline to ensure that the FAA has the resources and authority it needs to keep America flying,” said Sara Nelson, President, AFA. [Link]


National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)

Representing more than 20,000 air traffic controllers and aviation safety professionals

“There are 10% fewer fully certified air traffic controllers than there were a decade ago. Committee leadership has done great work to reverse this staffing crisis. It’s not only about hiring and the leaders in both the House and Senate recognized this. They included the requirement for the FAA to collaboratively develop and install tower simulator systems in every FAA tower, a program that has been proven to reduce training time for air traffic controllers by over 25%. NATCA also applauds their plan for FAA to study and implement expansion of the FAA Academy’s capacity. These changes, as part of a comprehensive hiring, training, and staffing plan will, over the term of this five-year authorization bill, make great improvements to staffing our air traffic control facilities, which will reduce fatigue and improve safety and efficiency,” said Rich Santa, President, NATCA. [Link]


International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)

Representing more than 1.3 million workers

“The Teamsters Union is pleased that Congress heard our members loud and clear when we said that increasing pilot retirement age and continuing to allow unfettered outsourcing of aircraft maintenance jobs to foreign countries would be unacceptable. This bill puts the safety and economic well-being of airline workers first and we encourage Congress to pass it quickly,” said Sean M. O’Brien, General President, Teamsters.

“On behalf of tens of thousands of Teamsters airline members, we are proud to support this legislation to reauthorize the FAA. This bill prioritizes safety across the aviation system, protects good union jobs, and directly addresses essential priorities for Teamsters airline workers—from pilots to gate agents and every job in between,” said Bob Fisher, Interim Director, Teamsters Airline Division. [Link]


Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (TWU)

Representing 115,000 airline workers

“On behalf of more than 155,000 members of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), the largest airline workers union in the U.S., I write to express our strong support for H.R. 3935, as amended, and to encourage you to bring it to the floor for final passage as quickly as possible. This bill is the result of more than a year of bipartisan, bicameral negotiations and will undoubtedly make our national airspace safer, improve the working conditions of airline workers, and return good, union jobs to the U.S. Importantly, the bill increases safety and security standards at foreign aircraft maintenance facilities by ending the FAA incentives that have long driven airlines to offshore good union jobs. It installs meaningful protections against the threat of assault on the job; rejects an attempt by airlines to exempt themselves from state and local labor standards; helps to combat toxic cabin air; and ends the unsafe practice of dispatching commercial aircraft from unsecure locations. These important provisions will strengthen our national airspace and ensure commercial air travel remains the safest form of transportation… The TWU unequivocally supports H.R. 3935 and we look forward to seeing it enshrined in law in the immediate future,” said John Samuelsen, International President, TWU. [Link]


Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD)

Representing 37 unions and hundreds of thousands of transportation workers

“As the largest transportation labor federation in the country, representing hundreds of thousands of aviation workers, TTD applauds the agreement reached by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the FAA reauthorization bill. It is crucial that air travel remains the safest mode of transportation in the world. We must prioritize the well-being of those who build, operate, and maintain our aviation system. This FAA bill enhances existing safety standards, ensures sustainable growth of the aviation workforce, facilitates improvements to infrastructure and service, and rejects any policy changes to raise the pilot retirement age. We look forward to swift passage of the FAA bill through each chamber of Congress, promising a stronger, safer industry for workers and passengers,” said Greg Regan, President, TTD. [Link]


Communications Workers of America (CWA)

Representing more than 700,000 workers from flight attendants to communications workers and more

“When enacted into law, this bill will provide strong new protections for workers and travelers. Importantly, this bill contains multiple important provisions that will protect the dignity and safety of passenger service agents on the job. Too many agents working on the tarmac have fallen victim to tragic accidents on the job in recent years. The FAA Reauthorization Act creates a Ramp Worker Safety Call to Action that will help address the dangers facing workers on the tarmac, including directing the FAA to create new training and education materials, and enabling the FAA to ensure that ramp workers receive needed training to remain safe on the job… Finally, we are pleased to see that the bill builds on the terrific rule recently enacted by the Department of Transportation (DOT) ensuring that passengers receive refunds after lengthy delays. CWA strongly supports DOT's rule and is appreciative that, through this bill, Congress is codifying into statute the right of passengers to receive refunds if they face lengthy delays. Doing so ensures that passengers will remain protected even under any future administration that is not as supportive of the rights of employees and passengers,” said Dan Mauer, Director of Government Affairs, CWA. [Link]


International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM)

Representing more than 100,000 ramp workers, customer service agents, flight attendants and more in the air transport industry

“The IAM proudly represents a hard-working diverse membership of more than 100,000 air transport workers from customer service agents to ramp workers and flight attendants…This legislation offers some positive means to ensure the safety and well-being of workers and passengers. For instance, we’ve witnessed the increase in passenger attacks towards aviation workers during the COVID-19 pandemic…Policy changes are needed and this FAA reauthorization legislation, while not perfect, offers many much-needed positive changes for passenger and worker safety and helps transform this vital industry into the future…IAM strongly supports the FAA Reauthorization bill,” said Brian Bryant, President, IAM. [Link]


Southwest Airlines Pilots Association (SWAPA)

Representing more than 11,000 pilots

“SWAPA applauds Senators Cantwell, Cruz, Duckworth, and Moran along with Representatives Sam Graves, Garret Graves, Larsen, and Cohen and members of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for reaching an agreement on a strong bill that enhances safety, improves the FAA’s aeromedical processes, and addresses mental health initiatives. We urge Congress to act with urgency on the bill, so we can move forward on the priorities and programs identified in the legislation,” said Captain Casey Murray, President, SWAPA. [Link]


NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots (NJASAP)

Representing more than 3,200 pilots

“Reaching agreement on the five-year reauthorization measure is due, in considerable part, to the tremendous work and dedication of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Rep. Sam Graves, R-MO, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chair Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-WA, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Rep. Rick Larsen, D-WA, and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Ranking Member Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX," said Captain Coley George, Government Affairs Committee Chair, NJASAP.

“NJASAP is exceedingly pleased with the number of substantial, aviation-worker-focused enhancements featured in the bill. The innovation and modernization that characterize this measure makes clear that Congress has prioritized the safety, security and efficiency of the National Airspace System. Undeniably, the 2024 FAA Reauthorization measure features much-needed language that gives aviation interests – regulators, labor and operators – additional tools and resources that help mitigate the myriad of issues that challenge our industry,” said Captain Pedro Leroux, President, NJASAP. [Link]


Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA)

Representing more than 17,000 engineers, technical workers, pilots and other aerospace professionals

“Reaching agreement on a bipartisan reauthorization bill was made possible by tireless efforts of key congressional leaders and their staff. We extend our gratitude to Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chair Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO), House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA), and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Ranking Member Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Their leadership has been instrumental in shaping a bill that not only bolsters our nation’s aerospace and aviation workforces but also fortifies the FAA, ensuring safer skies and a more robust aviation industry for generations to come,” said Brandon Anderson, Legislative Director, SPEEA. [Link]


The Families of Continental Flight 3407

“The Families of Flight 3407 wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to the members of the House/Senate Conference Committee for their diligent efforts in reconciling differences and presenting a final FAA Reauthorization Bill. This bill addresses many critical safety concerns including those that have resulted in numerous near misses in recent years. The efforts of the Committee to bring forth a comprehensive bill that tackles these and other safety issues is an important step towards ensuring the safety and security of the flying public.”

"We know firsthand the heartbreak and devastation caused by safety issues that are ignored for too long," stated John Kausner, who lost his 24-year-old daughter and law student Ellyce on Flight 3407. "This FAA Reauthorization Bill is critically important in preventing future tragedies. As it progresses to both the House of Representatives and the Senate for passage, we strongly urge all members to give it their support."


Airports Council International–North America (ACI-NA)
and American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)

Together representing nearly 1,000 airports and aviation-related businesses

“Congress has an opportunity to approve bipartisan and bicameral FAA reauthorization legislation in the days ahead that enhances safety, increases investment in the nation’s airports, reduces unnecessary regulatory burdens, addresses workforce challenges, advances environmental goals, and promotes air service across the country. We urge adoption of this important measure quickly to provide much-needed certainty to airports and the nation’s aviation system. We thank Chairman Graves, Chair Cantwell, and Ranking Members Larsen and Cruz, along with other congressional leaders, for coming together to produce meaningful legislation that will benefit the traveling public and all Americans for years to come,” said both Kevin Burke, President and CEO, ACI-NA; and Todd Hauptli, President and CEO, AAAE. [Link]


Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)

Representing nearly 340 high-tech aerospace manufacturers and suppliers

“With just over a week until the Federal Aviation Administration’s current authorities expire, the Aerospace Industries Association is grateful to Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Chair Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz, and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Sam Graves and Ranking Member Larsen for finalizing a bipartisan agreement on a five-year FAA reauthorization. This legislation will ensure the United States strengthens our global leadership in aviation — unleashing innovation so new technologies and the next generation of aviation workers can thrive. Most importantly, the policies in this bill enhance flight safety for everyone. The Aerospace Industries Association is glad to see many priorities of the aviation manufacturing industry included in the text—modernizing FAA processes for safety and efficiency benefits; strengthening bilateral safety agreements; establishing a new aviation manufacturing workforce development program; and finalizing rules for the operation of powered-lift aircraft; We look forward to Congress taking action later this week to move this legislation before the May 10 deadline,” said Eric Fanning, President and CEO, AIA. [Link]


Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)

World's largest nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of uncrewed systems and robotics

“On behalf of the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) and our expansive membership in the drone/uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), counter-drone, autonomy, robotics, and advanced air mobility (AAM) domains, thank you for your diligent work on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024. We know how much work went into getting to this point and we are very grateful for you and your collective staffs dedication to getting this Reauthorization done. AUVSI urges expeditious consideration and passage of the pre-conferenced bill by both the Senate and the House,” said Michael Robbins, President and CEO, AUVSI. [Link]


Cargo Airline Association (CAA)

Voice of the Air Cargo Industry

“CAA commends the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee for the months of hard work that have resulted in a strong bipartisan bill to reauthorize the FAA. We urge Congress to move quickly to pass this legislation and ensure needed stability and modernization for this essential agency. CAA remains committed to working collaboratively across industry, with the Administration, and with the Congress to ensure the continued safety of our national airspace,” said Lauren Beyer, President, CAA. [Link]


General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)

Representing more than 100 aviation manufacturers

“It is very encouraging to see that U.S. House and Senate aviation committee leaders have been able to work together to put forth a bipartisan, bicameral bill to reauthorize the FAA. This is welcome progress, especially as GAMA members are preparing to take their advocacy efforts directly to lawmakers during our Capitol Hill Day next week. We will be pushing for swift passage of the bill, which will move both the FAA and industry forward by addressing safety issues, improving rulemaking and certification processes, strengthening the FAA’s international effectiveness, supporting workforce development, maintaining sustainability efforts and fostering innovation. We applaud Senators Maria Cantwell, Ted Cruz, Tammy Duckworth and Jerry Moran, and Representatives Sam Graves, Rick Larsen, Garret Graves and Steve Cohen and their staffs for their leadership and hard work to put forth a compromise bill that provides long-term direction to the FAA and supports the industry’s prioritization of increasing levels of safety and innovation. We urge the Senate and House to pass this bill before the May 10th expiration of the current authorization,” said Pete Bunce, President and CEO, GAMA. [Link]


Reliable Robotics

Advancing aviation safety-enhancing technologies

“Reliable Robotics Corporation is proud to support the legislation and we look forward to its enactment into law… Through the formation of the Unmanned and Autonomous Flight Advisory Committee, we are recognizing the significant aviation safety benefits of these technologies. The Committee will provide additional resources and technical expertise for the FAA and be a forum to collaborate on the safe integration of large uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) into controlled airspace. In addition, the newly formed Airspace Modernization office will bring resources and focus to the FAA’s work on digital flight and integrating safety-critical third party services into the National Airspace System (NAS). Coupled with the provision to create a repeatable approval process for third-party providers, the bill creates a framework for how services such as ground based detect and avoid and secure command and control links will operate in the NAS… The United States is the world leader in aviation, and through the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, we are positioning ourselves to retain and grow this role. Reliable Robotics is grateful for your continued commitment to providing the FAA’s dedicated workforce the tools and resources to achieve our shared vision for the future of aviation,” said Robert Rose, Co-founder and CEO, Reliable Robotics. [Link]


National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)

Representing more than 11,000 aviation companies and professionals

““We commend the House and Senate Committees for maintaining a continued focus on passing a multi-year authorization bill. Agreement on the compromise marks a key step in ensuring the FAA has the direction needed for long-term planning, as well as operational safety and targeted investment. We look forward to working with Congress on approval of a final reauthorization bill,” said Ed Bolen, President and CEO, NBAA. [Link]


BETA Technologies

Pioneering electric aerospace transportation

“On behalf of BETA Technologies, I write to express support for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R. 3935). The bipartisan, bicameral legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) includes key legislative provisions to promote emerging technologies and ensure the United States remains the global leader in aviation innovation… BETA Technologies commends Congress for including several critical provisions supporting Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), a rapidly developing aviation sector that includes electric aircraft, in the legislation. Notably, the legislation contains provisions providing for the adoption of rules for the operation of powered-lift aircraft, expands existing programs for critical AAM infrastructure, and requires the FAA to ensure there is a pathway for industry to access vertical infrastructure for operations. These and other important AAM provisions will ensure the United States is at the forefront of innovation and adoption for years to come,” Allie Cloyes, Government Affairs, BETA Technologies. [Link]


National Stone and Gravel Association (NSSGA)

Helping rebuild hundreds of airports

“On behalf of the over 450 Members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), we write in strong support of The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. We applaud your efforts to craft this bill in a bipartisan, bicameral manner, and look forward to its swift passage. NSSGA represents the aggregates and industrial sand industry of our country, with over 9,000  facilities and more than 100,000 employees in high-paying jobs. The aggregates industry produces 100 percent of the material for the airfield pavement foundations; 95 percent of the raw material in asphalt concrete overlays; and 70-85 percent of the cement concrete overlays, making aggregates the number one material used in our aviation infrastructure. As this critical legislation crosses the finish line, our members will waste no time in working alongside the FAA in supplying the raw materials needed to enhance our nation’s runways. The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 supports efforts to improve U.S. runways, taxiways, and associated infrastructure by authorizing a significant increase to the Airport Improvement Program. We also appreciate the authorization for the FAA to carry out a program for the research and development of concrete and asphalt pavement technologies that will extend the life of airfield pavements. This bipartisan legislation will provide aviation and airport infrastructure policies that not only improve safety but also foster economic development and cater to the increasing demands of the traveling public. NSSGA and our members look forward to rebuilding, revitalizing, and creating infrastructure to ensure the U.S. maintains its top spot as a global leader in the aviation industry,” said Michael Johnson, President and CEO, NSSGA. [Link]