Committee to Subpoena DOJ Documents Relating to Banned Substance Use in Olympics

April 8, 2004

Washington, DC -- The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee today agreed by voice vote to issue a subpoena to obtain documents from the Department of Justice relating to information regarding possible use of banned performance-enhancing substances by U.S. Olympic sport athletes. Sen. McCain's statement follows: “I continue to be keenly interested in curbing the use of banned performance-enhancing drugs by our nation's athletes. To that end, this morning the Committee approved by a voice vote the issuance of a subpoena to determine whether and to what extent Olympic athletes have been proactively evading the U.S. Olympic testing regime by turning to difficult-to-detect – but banned – substances. Specifically, the subpoena would compel the Department of Justice to produce documents relating to U.S. amateur athletes' alleged purchase of banned performance-enhancing substances from the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (known as BALCO), and their possible use of such substances. “The Committee will not comment further on the substance of this inquiry at this point, except to say that it will take every measure to protect the privacy of the Olympic athletes that may be involved.” ###