Revitalizing the Economy of South Louisiana: Empowering the Region for Recovery and Growth

Senate Commerce Committee to Hold
November 7 Field Hearing in New Orleans
On Revitalizing the Economy of South Louisiana:
Empowering the Region for Recovery and Growth

Will Address the Federal Role in Economic Development, Restoring Infrastructure,
Investing in Ports, Recovering Fisheries and Incentivizing Tourism and Trade

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) have scheduled a Full Committee field hearing in New Orleans on Monday, November 7, 2005, at the request of Committee Member, Senator David Vitter (R-La.).

The hearing, Revitalizing the Economy of South Louisiana: Empowering the Region for Recovery and Growth, will focus on issues under the Commerce Committee’s jurisdiction, such as transportation infrastructure, ports and the maritime industry, fisheries, trade, insurance, tourism, economic development and many other issues that are directly related to the recovery of the region.

The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. on November 7 at the Louisiana Supreme Court Chambers located at 400 Royal Street, New Orleans.
The witnesses scheduled to appear before the Committee are: