The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Oversight Hearing of 2008

The hearing will provide an opportunity to address general NOAA oversight issues facing the agency during the remaining session of the 110th Congress, as well as the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2009 budget request. Additionally, this hearing will gather testimony from witnesses regarding current issues facing the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.

 Specifically, the testimony will focus on legislation that was introduced earlier this Congress, which seeks to expand three existing National Marine Sanctuaries including the Thunder Bay Sanctuary in Michigan, and the Cordell Bank and the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuaries in California. These bills were introduced by Senators Levin and Boxer respectively.

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Majority Statement

  • Maria Cantwell


Minority Statement

  • Ted Stevens


Opening Remarks


  • Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.)

    Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
    Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration

Witness Panel 2

  • Mr. Jefferson Gray

    Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
  • Dr. Susan Williams

    Director, Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory
    University of California - Davis
    Download Testimony (392.02 KB)
  • Ms. Kathy Fosmark

    Alliance of Communities for Sustainable Fisheries