Improving Consumer Protection in the Prepaid Calling Card Market

The Committee will examine information disclosure to consumers, allegations of hidden charges and fees, discrepancies in minutes marketed and minutes received, alleged deceptive advertising practices, and efforts by the Federal Trade Commission to combat consumer abuse in this area.

In addition, the Committee will consider S. 2998, the Prepaid Calling Card Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which was introduced by Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and cosponsored by Committee Members Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). At the hearing, Senator Nelson will preside.

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Opening Remarks

  • The Honorable Eliot L. Engel

    United States Representative, New York, 17th District


  • The Honorable William Kovacic

    Federal Trade Commission

Witness Panel 2