Chairman Rockefeller’s Statement On New CPSC Posts

May 6, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John D (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, issued the following statement applauding President Obama’s announcement on the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) expanded funding and leadership:

“Today’s announcement is good news for consumers. I applaud President Obama and his administration for making consumer protection and product safety a top priority. The new funding for The Consumer Product Safety Commission will increase the Commission’s budget by 71% and provide the newly nominated Chair, Inez Moore Tenenbaum and newly nominated Commissioner, Robert S. Adler the tools the Commission needs to ensure consumer safety -especially for our children. I commend the President for putting forth such impressive nominees and I look forward to working with them to protect American families.”
