Chairman Rockefeller Statement on FCC Nominations

June 18, 2009

WASHINGTON D.C. - Today the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee conducted an off the floor markup. Chairman Rockefeller issued the following statement on his vote on the FCC nominees:
“Julius Genachowski has my resounding support.  He offers the public and private sector experience needed to reinvigorate the FCC and put consumers first.  From the content that gets broadcast into millions of living rooms throughout America, to the broadband networks that can bring equal opportunities to our largest cities and our smallest rural towns – the FCC oversees it all.  I look forward to Mr. Genachowski’s leadership at the FCC and a future of good and honest communications policy.”
“In the spirit of bipartisanship, I have ultimately decided to vote for Robert McDowell.  However, my vote comes with concerns.  I want to be clear that I have high expectations that Mr. McDowell will show great independence from the industries he regulates. I hope I am not disappointed.  I do not believe the American people should settle for anything less than an FCC that is transparent, consumer friendly, inspires public confidence, and is capable of transforming our digital infrastructure into the 21st century and beyond.”