Contraband Cell Phones in Correctional Facilities: Public Safety Impact and the Potential Implications of Jamming Technologies

The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation announces the following full committee hearing on Contraband Cell Phones in Correctional Facilities: Public Safety Impact and the Potential Implications of Jamming Technologies.

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Minority Statement

  • Kay Bailey Hutchison


Opening Remarks

  • The Honorable John Whitmire

    State Senator
  • Mr. Richard Mirgon

    Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International
  • Mr. Gary Maynard

    Secretary, Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
    Former President, Association of State Corrections Administrators
    Download Statement (144.50 KB)
  • Mr. Steve Largent

    President and Chief Executive Officer
    CTIA - The Wireless Association
    Download Statement (212.30 KB)
  • Mr. John Moriarty

    Inspector General
    Texas Department of Criminal Justice
    Download Statement (118.42 KB)