Hutchison Statement on Senate Confirmation of NASA Nominees

July 15, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today said she was pleased the Senate approved Charles Bolden to be the next NASA Administrator.  

“I am pleased the Senate has confirmed Charles Bolden to be the next NASA Administrator,” said Senator Hutchison.  “General Bolden has the experience, knowledge and leadership abilities to lead NASA through this period and help chart the course for the future, especially in the very critical areas of human space flight and the full utilization of our National Laboratory in space aboard the International Space Station.  I look forward to working with him and his team as well as the President and White House space policy staff to forge a consensus for that future and underscore the nation’s commitment to excellence in this key area of scientific activity and exploration.”

Lori Garver was also as confirmed as NASA’s Deputy Administrator.

“I also congratulate Lori Garver who was confirmed as NASA’s Deputy Administrator. Her long time experience in space policy issues brings an important asset to this management team,” Senator Hutchison said.  “The swift confirmation of General Bolden and Ms. Garver clears the way for them to be sworn in and begin assuming their responsibilities. Their nomination and confirmation come at a critical time for the agency and America’s civil space programs. Key decisions will be made in the next few months which will, literally, determine whether our country will retain and expand its long-standing leadership role in space exploration.”


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