Rockefeller, Waxman Working Together on Auto Safety Legislation

April 27, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and Representative Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, issued the following statements today announcing their intent to work together on automobile safety legislation in the coming days to address problems highlighted by recent vehicle recalls:

Statement from Chairman Rockefeller:

“As Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, keeping consumers safe and protected is a top priority. Recent Toyota recalls reveal lapses in our auto safety monitoring system – and additional areas where we can do much better by the American consumer,” said Chairman Rockefeller. “Shortly, I will introduce legislation that will hold automakers to a higher standard and strengthen the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s ability to more effectively protect Americans on the road. Safety will come first and, as always, it is my great pleasure to work with Chairman Waxman in this important effort.”

Statement from Chairman Waxman:

“Recent vehicle recalls underscore the need to ensure the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has the resources, expertise, and authority it needs to protect consumers from vehicle safety defects,” said Chairman Waxman. “I look forward to working with Chairman Rockefeller to move forward legislation that strengthens NHTSA and keeps our roads safe.”
