Hutchison: FCC Move Will Stifle Internet’s Growth through Burdensome Regulations

June 17, 2010

Hutchison PortraitWASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Ranking Member on Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, today said she was disappointed with the decision by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to move forward with burdensome regulations after the FCC voted to reclassify broadband as a telecommunications service, the first step in implementing net neutrality rules for the Internet.

“Today is yet another sign that this Administration does not understand the risks associated with government intervention into what, so far, has been a vibrant and creative platform,” said Senator Hutchison.  “Unfortunately, the FCC has taken the step forward to create new burdensome regulations that threaten to stifle the growth of America’s broadband services.  I am hopeful that Congress can move forward on a new path that preserves the openness of the Internet as a platform for innovation and economic growth without expanding the government’s regulatory footprint.”

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