Rockefeller Praises Senate Passage of Bill to Improve Communications Accessibility for People with Disabilities

August 6, 2010

Chairman RockefellerWASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued this statement after the Senate approved the Equal Access to 21st Century Communications Act (S. 3304). The legislation will update existing disabilities law to reflect accessibility to new and emerging technologies.

Chairman Rockefeller’s statement follows: 

“Twenty years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act helped people with disabilities get around and stay connected, by requiring more accessible buildings, transportation and public accommodations. This bill will help Americans with disabilities stay interconnected in our fast, and ever-evolving technological landscape.

“I have seen the opportunities that new technologies create for our communities, for changing education, improving healthcare, and strengthening local businesses. With approximately 54 million Americans living with a disability, we have a responsibility to make sure that these transformative tools are available to all. I am proud the Senate last night moved this bill one big step forward to becoming law,” Chairman Rockefeller said. 

Additional information on the Equal Access to 21st Century Communications Act can be found here.
