Rockefeller Applauds Bipartisan Senate Confirmation of Bryson as Commerce Secretary

October 20, 2011

Chairman RockefellerWASHINGTON, D.C.—Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller issued the following statement after the Senate approved John Bryson’s nomination to be Secretary of Commerce:

“Mr. Bryson’s confirmation comes at a critical time for our country and our economy.  The Secretary of Commerce is an important part of the President’s economic team.  We need that agency to have a leader with strong, real world corporate experience.  Mr. Bryson possesses a rare combination of real-life business experience and intellect.  He has proven himself to be a talented executive and has shown his dedication to public service.  I am thankful that a bipartisan majority of senators agreed with what I and many pro-business organizations have said about Mr. Bryson’s qualifications and voted to confirm him to this post.  I look forward to working with him to restore jobs and manufacturing in America, and overcome the many other challenges facing our country.” 
