Aviation Fuels: Needs, Challenges, and Alternatives

SCom: AviationWASHINGTON, D.C.—The Senate Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security Subcommittee today announced a hearing on the needs, challenges, and alternatives of aviation fuels.  The hearing will examine the impact of fuel prices on the industry, current efforts to develop alternative aviation fuels, and obstacles that must be overcome to facilitate their commercialization and adoption throughout the industry.  Key issues that will be addressed at the hearing will include: research and development needs; infrastructure concerns; and actions the government should consider to minimize the impact of fuel costs on the aviation sector.    

Please note the hearing will also be webcast live via the Senate Commerce Committee website at http://commerce.senate.gov. Refresh the Commerce Committee homepage 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to view the webcast.

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Majority Statement

  • Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV

    U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation


  • Dr. Lourdes Maurice

    Executive Director for Environment and Energy
    Federal Aviation Administration
    Download Testimony (136.97 KB)
  • Mr. Terry Yonkers

    Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Logistics, SAF/IE
    Download Testimony (181.38 KB)
  • Mr. Bill Glover

    Vice President of Environment and Aviation Policy
    Boeing Commercial Airplanes, The Boeing Company
  • Mr. Tom Todaro

    Chief Executive Officer
    AltAir Fuels, LLC
  • Ms. Sharon Pinkerton

    Senior Vice President of Legislative and Regulatory Policy
    Air Transport Association
    Download Testimony (513.17 KB)

Witness Panel 2

  • Ms. Judy Canales

    Administrator for Rural Business and Cooperative Programs
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Download Testimony (135.60 KB)
  • Mr. Richard Altman

    Executive Director
    Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)
    Download Testimony (129.82 KB)
  • Mr. John Plaza

    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Imperium Renewables